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What We Do:

We are a registered Colorado non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization whose mission is to help care for pets of the homeless and indigent community and those who are economically disadvantaged in the Denver metro area. We do this by providing free pet exams, vaccines, dental evaluations, nail trims, minor illness consultations and medications if possible, dog and cat food, treats, pet beds, leashes, collars, etc. We are funded solely on donations (monetary and items) and are strictly a volunteer organization.  All monetary donations go toward purchasing supplies for our clinics and all item donations go directly to the people and their pets!

Proud Member

of the

What We Do:

We are a registered Colorado non-profit 501(c)(3) organization whose mission it is to help care for pets of the homeless and indigent community in the Denver metro area.  We do this by providing free pet exams, vaccines, minor illness consultations and medications, dog and cat food, treats, pet beds, leashes, collars, etc.  We do not charge our clients for any services or pet supplies.  We are funded solely on donations (monetary and items listed above) and are strictly a volunteer organization.  All monetary donations go toward purchasing supplies for our clinics and all item donations go directly to

our clients and their pets.


Homeless man and dogs
Homeless woman kissing dog
Homeless Woman and dogs
Homeless woman and dog eating
Homeless man and puppy
Homeless man and kitten
Homeless Man and dog on street
Homeless man and dog on street 2
Homeless Dog on Street
Homeless couple and dogs
Homeless woman and cat
Homeless My Dog is my Family
Homeless Man and Cat
Homeless Boxer
Homeless man sleeping with dog
Homeless man and 2 dogs

You can help people

and their pets NOW!

For Pets of the Homeless/Indigent Community:


Pet health exams

Minor medical illness treatment


Rabies certificates and Rabies tags

Heartworm testing 

Heartworm medication

Vaccine records

Nail trims

Dog and cat toys

Dog and cat food

Leashes and collars

Pet jackets, sweaters and coats

Pet beds and carriers

Vouchers for free spays and neuters

Matted hair shaving, as medically necessary




We are still looking for a new location---we established a new space at a local shelter, however this did not work out, so we are still looking!

Please follow this page for more information about our upcoming clinics. There will be new organization moving forward. We will be prioritizing those experiencing homelessness.

Our clinics will be cancelled until further notice while we re-organize and continue to look for a new location. Clinics will hopefully resume in 2025, but please stay tuned for more information.


All future clinics are cancelled until further notice.

When we return to our regular clinics, we will be providing veterinary services for those experiencing homelessness and if time and staff permitting, those who are considered indigent (please bring proof of need or government assistance, if available). The list of qualifications is below.

We do not charge for our services, but ask that each pet owner pay what they are able---we are strictly a volunteer organization that relies only on donations, so this will help us continue to provide services to those in need on a regular basis. However, no one will be turned away due to inability to pay.


Just need help with PET FOOD? 

Please contact the

Colorado Pet Pantry:




Every year we participate in Project Homeless Connect, a large event helping Denver's homeless with obtaining all kinds of services they need such as housing, clothing, medical care, dental care,  IDs, legal help, resumes and jobs, etc.---and we provide free veterinary care and pet supplies for them!  Keep an eye out each fall to volunteer for this wonderful event---it is very meaningful for us and for our special clients!


We do not charge for any of our services, although we do accept donations as you are able.

We provide all of the services listed above, however, we are currently unable to provide heartworm testing, heartworm medication, microchipping, labwork, surgeries or  dental cleanings.  Additionally, we are unable to provide veterinary care outside of our regularly scheduled free clinics. 


If your pet needs assistance at times other than the first Thursday of the month, visit our Resource page for local low-cost veterinary clinics and hospitals that can provide these additional services.






If your pet is over the age of 6 months, he or she must be SPAYED OR NEUTERED to use the services of Peace, Love & Paws (exceptions include advanced age or severe illness---this will be determined by our veterinarian).  If your pet is not spayed or neutered, we will see your pet once, determine if your pet is an exception to this rule, then if not, you will need to have your pet spayed or neutered in order to be seen again.  We do not provide services to breeding dogs and cats.  We can provide free spay/neuter vouchers for those who need it and qualify (see below).  You will be asked to provide proof of need once per year.


You must PROVIDE PROOF OF NEED to use our services by bringing one of the following:

  • Quest or EBT card

  • Income-tax return form (showing income of no more than $30,000 gross per year)

  • Unemployment check stub (with current date)

  • Medicaid card

  • Supplemental Security Income (SSI) ID or letter


  • WIC

  • Or you must be currently experiencing homelessness




                         The History of Peace, Love & Paws


In November 2013, Dr. Carolyn Karrh, who became a veterinarian as a second, chosen career at the age of 40, started a non-profit organization called Peace, Love & Paws, dedicated to helping the pets of the homeless and indigent community of Denver, Colorado and the surrounding areas. After completing a shelter medicine internship at Colorado State University, she worked in several local animal shelters and developed a deep affinity for homeless animals. Then, while working as an associate for a well-known Denver veterinary hospital, she was consistently faced with the difficult dilemma of not being able to provide quality care for the pets of those who had little to no financial means. Dr. Karrh soon realized that there was a great need for veterinary care in the homeless and indigent community. Even though it was a non-profit hospital, clients were still expected to have a certain amount of money just to have an exam---and it was nearly impossible to help the homeless, as it was a “drain on hospital resources.” It was heartbreaking to watch pet parents be forced to choose between rent and life-saving pet vaccines, to witness people make medical decisions for their pets based on how much money they had, sometimes choosing euthanasia due to lack of financial resources, and to watch homeless citizens and their pets be turned away because they had, literally, no money.

After leaving that hospital after several years (and before starting Peace, Love & Paws), Dr. Karrh first volunteered her time with StreetPetz, a local organization that provided vaccine supplies to veterinarians who wanted to go into the community and vaccinate pets of the homeless. But she soon realized that this was a larger endeavor than expected, as she was unable to provide requested advanced medical care in addition to vaccines and wellness care. The homeless community had no resources for veterinary care for their pets---and they needed it.

At first, when talking with people about starting an organization to help pets of the homeless, many people scoffed at the idea, stating emphatically that “you shouldn't have a pet if you can't afford one.” But Dr. Karrh, a life-long lover of animals and pet parent to dogs, cats, birds, fish, small mammals, etc., believed differently. And she knew there was a need. And having few resources to help the old man on the sidewalk with his chihuahua or the kind woman pushing a packed grocery cart with her cat on top was the final catalyst for starting PLP.

The first clinic was offered in February 2014, at a local homeless day shelter, Father Woody’s Haven of Hope. After talking with the Executive Director there months before, it was clear they both had the same mission, to provide care for those who were experiencing homelessness, and help pets and their owners stay together by keeping them healthy and providing for their basic needs. The first clinic was set up with one veterinarian (Dr. Karrh) and two technicians---about 13 people and their pets came. It wasn’t long before word got out and each clinic thereafter saw sometimes upwards of 60 pets! Gradually, the need for more volunteers became necessary, and PLP now in 2017, after three years, has a volunteer base of about 30 people, offering a once monthly free veterinary clinic to the homeless and indigent at a local church with 4-5 veterinarians, 10 technicians and assistants, and several more volunteers to help with administration and other duties. In addition to having a volunteer mobile groomer each month, PLP has also developed a partnership with Colorado Pet Food Pantry and provides hundreds of pounds of food for our clients at each clinic. We are regularly reminded of how important our services are to this community with thanks yous, hugs and many tears of gratefulness from our homeless and indigent friends.

The basis of our organization is this: we know how important pets can be to our physical, emotional and mental health. In addition to many others who are financially disadvantaged, there is a large Denver homeless and indigent population who have pets---and they love their fur-children as much as anyone else! For many in this community, their pets are their only companions---they provide the unconditional love they often don't receive in the community as a whole, so quite often, their pet parents will forego their own needs in order to care for their animals' needs. Their fur-children are well-loved and deserve proper veterinary care, as they have no control over their circumstances and to whom they belong. Because their parents are often not able to afford veterinary care or often just simple pet needs, we provide basic wellness care, vaccines, pet supplies, food, bathing and grooming, nail trims, ear cleanings, and address minor health concerns.

Our future goal is to open a full-service facility that will provide more services including diagnostic tests parasite testing, bloodwork, other labwork, xrays, hospitalization if necessary and surgeries/dental procedures for pets of those who are homeless or indigent. We hope to be able to help anyone who needs it, regardless of their financial means or ability to pay.

Peace, Love & Paws has been a registered Colorado 501(c)(3) non-profit organization since November 2013.


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